This is an invitation to attend a workshop on Hotspots that the North Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club (NCAARC) is holding on
Saturday, January 18, 2025, 9:30 AM – a scheduled event at Fire Hall #3 in St Albert.
Chris Bone VA6CMB has agreed to attend and provide a presentation about Hotspots and their use in amateur radio.
Dave Hughes VE6SKI has agreed to add his expertise and offer of Hotspots that he is building for sale at a very reasonable price of around $80 (he will establish a firm price once he learns what his cost is for each unit). The pre-ordered Hotspots, if given enough notice, Dave plans to have be available at the Workshop.
So, the question is:
(1) Do you wish to attend? There is remaining and limited space for another 4 hams; and
(2) If you plan to attend, are you interested in purchasing a pre-built Hotspot from Dave? He has built a few extra, just in case there is more interest.
If you are interested in attending, email me back before Friday, January 16, 2025 end of day. This allows the NCAARC to do its planning.
This is a “first come first served” event, so get back to me as soon as possible to ensure you have a spot. My email contact is <> . If you want to contact Dave Hughes, his email is <>
Upcoming Digital Mode HotSpot Workshop
Support for LoSeCa foundation’s 5/10K Run
Today members of the NCAARC assisted with communications support for the LoSeCa foundation’s 5 and 10 K run in St. Albert. Members deployed our communications trailer and setup stations along the route to provide assistance getting messages back to the race organisers. I must say this is the first event I have volunteered at that we’ve relayed back to race officials that there was a moose and her calf on the course! The weather cooperated for the runners, but I think all volunteers would agree with me another 5 degrees warmer would have been great for us.
Thanks Paul (VE6PGA) for organizing the event from the club side. Thanks Ernie (VE6EC) and Dave (VE6SKI) for holding down the net control duties in the trailer. Thanks Gerry (VE6GBH), Jeff (VE6JXN), Jared (VA6JAW), and Steve (VE6CYR) for staffing the stations on the route. The event went off great, thanks to all your help. Looking forward to seeing you all on the next one!

Upcoming hands on DSTAR workshop
Did you recently get a DSTAR capable radio, but have no idea how to use it? Join us on June 15, 2024 at 9:30 AM for a hands on workshop. Chris Bone (VA6CMB) will be running a hands on workshop on using your DSTAR equipment. The workshop will be held at Fire Station #3 in St Albert, located at 100 Giroux Road.
This event is open to all members of the ham radio community. You do not have to be an NCAARC member to attend.
Hope to see you there!
VE6JKB is Online
If you are having trouble getting in or notice something is wrong please send me an email at