We’d love to see some more members and potential members in person now that COVID has calmed down a bit.
We are once again meeting in person every third Saturday of the month at Firehall #3 in St Albert at 9:30 AM. The only exception to this is months where the third weekend of the month is a long weekend. Feel free to reach out if you unsure if a meeting will be happening.
We have a number of projects in the works as well that could use additional hands to make light work. Some of the projects on the docket are; working on the trailer (solar panel install, LED lighting, battery replacement, general setup), fixing VE6JKB by installing a new Pistar setup to support multiple digital modes, installing a new power supply in the repeater room, possible linking of VE6LAW to another repeater. There is lots of work that can be done, but we’re short on hands to do the work. If you are interested in getting involved in a project please let us know!
Also March is our AGM where we will be electing new officers for the next term. If you’re interested in sitting on the board of the club please let us know and your name will be passed along to nominating committee.
And last but not least – it’s a new Calendar year so that means it’s time to renew your membership. Please see the post below this one to download a membership form if you need one.